
A guide to Abruzzo Food

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKie0f04iiI&feature=youtu.be La Merenda e pronta – su!” are words that still echo in my fond memories of spending my childhood holidays in Abruzzo, Italy. I knew it was 4pm sharp when Zia Nesia, would call me for my regular afternoon Abruzzo Food snack – I could run my watch by the timings I was called to

Best of Italy

Best Of Italy One of the world's most scenic countries, Italy seems to have the best of everything in abundance. From baskets full of ripe, fresh tomatoes to freely flowing carafes of wine, from the crashing waves of the Mediterranean and the Adriatic to the snowy mountaintops of the Apennines, Italy is filled with a

Holidays in Abruzzo | Abruzzo, Italy Vacations

Abruzzo Holidays The best region to be for your Vacation in Abruzzo Italy Abruzzo Holidays are fast becoming one of Italy's main tourist destination. And with ever increasing airline routes into Pescara airport and the close proximity to Rome, tourists are starting to discover both the value and beauty of spending their vacations in Abruzzo region

Last Minute Pescara

Last minute Pescara A last minute Pescara deal in a Hotel or B&B are now becoming more expensive due to Pescara fast becoming an Italian destination for the tourist market. And with the ever increasing international and national airlines routes into Pescara, hotels and bed and breakfasts are deliberately increasing their prices. However for the same price